Friday, March 7, 2008

Happy Flowers

I discovered something recently that has had the oddest effect on the beginning of my day.

Our bedroom window faces east, so we get full sun in the morning. This is a very good thing for me, physically, and I often stay in bed longer, just soaking it up.

I had placed the white tulips my husband bought me on my windowsill so I could photograph them for this blog template, and then because I was too tired, I didn't bother moving them.

The next morning, the sun came through my window, and the tulips stood at attention. The morning after that, they had grown taller and were starting to open.

Every night, they would close again in the darkness, and every morning, they would be open and receiving all of the sunlight they could get. They looked so happy that I felt happy. Noticing and embracing the life around me helps me remember that the world is not as dark as it sometimes feels.

So now I'm keeping tulips on my windowsill.

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